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Pall Filters


Largest selection of Pall laboratory filters online! Pall filters dealer distributor



  • Pall Acro 50 Vent Filters

    PALL ACRO 50 VENT FILTERS - Reusable, in-line Pall Acro 50 Vent Filters with 50mm hydrophobic PTFE membranes in polypropylene housing. Large surface area provides greater throughput. Pall Acro 50 Vent Filters are ideal for venting bioreactors, fermentation tanks, and carboys. Also for filtration of aggressive solvents and sterile gas purging of culture vessels. 

  • Pall Acrodisc Syringe Filters

    Pall Acrodisc Syringe Filters

  • Pall AcroPak Filters

    Pall AcroPak Filters

  • Pall Biodyne Membrane Filters

    PALL BIODYNE MEMBRANE FILTERS - Provide high sensitivity and low background for enhanced detection and resolution. Will not crack, shrink, or tear when subjected to multiple cycles of hybridization, stripping, and reprobing. Membranes are intrinsically hydrophilic for easy wetting. Resistant to common solvents such as acetone, alcohol, chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons, formamide, 2M NaOH, DMSO, and dimethylformamide. Not compatible with concentrated formic acid, oxidizing agents, and long exposures to acidic pH <2. 

  • Pall Biotrace Filters

    PALL BIOTRACE MEMBRANE FILTERS - have a high binding affinity (209µg/cm2) and are ideal for Western blot confirmatory tests. Pall BioTrace™ NT Membrane Filters provide a good binding matrix for macromolecules. The unique structure and lack of growth-inhibiting ingredients facilitate bacterial growth even when the bacteria are stressed by transformation. Pall Biotrace Membrane Filter thickness: 140um. 

  • Pall Filters Catalog


    Order more than 1000 Pall Laboratory Filters here through Voigt Global Distribution Inc

  • Pall Filter Funnels

    Pall Magnetic Filter Funnels, Pall MicroCheck Beverage Monitors, Pall MicroFunnel Disposable Filter Funnels, Pall MicroFunnel Plus Filter Funnels, Pall MicroFunnel ST Disposable Filter Funnels, Pall Parabola Stainless Steel Filter Funnel and Pall Pressure Filtration Funnels

  • Pall Filter Holders


  • Pall Kleenpak Filters

    PALL KLEENPAK™ STERILIZING FILTERS with Supor EKV filters are 0.2 micron rated validated sterilizing-grade membrane filters. Validation documentation included with each pack ordered.

  • Pall Pallflex Emfab Filters

    Pall Pallflex Emfab Filters

  • Pall Supor Filters

    PALL SUPOR MEMBRANE FILTERS - well suited for biological, pharmaceutical, and sterilizing filtration requirements. Pall Supor® filter membranes are hydrophilic polyethersulfone membranes that offer higher fluid flow rates, lower protein binding, lower extractables, and greater strength than other cellulosic (acetate, nitrate) membranes. Pall Supor Membrane Filters Provide some of the highest water flow rates and fluid filtration capacities of any sterilizing grade membrane filter.

  • Pall Tissuquartz Filters

    Pall Tissuquartz Filters

    Pall Filter Grades 2500 QAT-UP (heat treated) and 2500 QAO-UP (non-heat treated). Pallflex® Air Monitoring Filters

Active filters

  • Categories: Pall Acrodisc Syringe Filters
  • Categories: Pall Pallflex Emfab Filters
  • Categories: Pall Tissuquartz Filters