6mL Amber Sterile Open Vials (5ml shorty), Depyrogenated, Ream of 176 pieces. Measure 22x40mm with a standard 20mm crimp finish - not sealed and are not stoppered THESE MUST BE OPENED IN THE CLEANROOM ONLY
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6mL (5ml shorty) Amber Sterile Open Vials, Depyrogenated, Ream of 176 pieces. Measure 22x40mm with a standard 20mm crimp finish - not sealed and are not stoppered. Manufactured, pre-washed, depyrogenated and terminally sterilized by Gerresheimer. Must be opened in the cleanroom - these sterile open vials are unsealed. Provided in plastic trays with double bagging.
A completed C of C on Gerresheimer letterhead is available on request for all lots sold. All trays of 176 pieces have a label showing:
Our Item No.: 62421S-5
The Lot / Batch Number
Quantity per ream
This information is then traceable to your paid invoice as well as the Gerresheimer C of C
Sold as a double bagged tray of 176pieces
UNSEALED / UNSTOPPERED - must be opened in the cleanroom!
PYROGEN FREE VIALS - compare to Pyrofree® vials